I did not experience any trouble communicating with German people. For the most part they all speak English extremely well. I think I had a fair amount of things in common with these people. One of the students even said I should move to Germany because I act more German than American. My grandfathers side of our family had roots in Germany. The German culture class revealed a great deal about my family. The German people are hard working, straightforward, strong willed, and like details. I see all of these qualities instilled in me that have been passed down in my family for generations. I did not know about the extreme importance of beer in Germany and how the beer purity law is written into the constitution. It was interesting to find out that Bavaria was not originally part of Germany. They did not unify with Northern Germany until 1871. Bavarian people will even say "I am Bavarian first and German second." They even have a different dialect from Northern Germany. They have a acutely, deep, and rich history that has been shaped by many things.
This is a picture of the new town hall in Munich. This is a special building that features a spectacular engineering show every hour. This show depicts a war where Bavaria wins. The second picture is of one of the wonderful locals at a brewery we toured. He was a perfect example of the German people. He had so much exuberance for his job.
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